Exposure to high levels of dust, such as asbestos and crystalline silica continues to be a large-scale problem affecting people in Queensland.

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Exposure to high levels of dust, such as asbestos and crystalline silica continues to be a large-scale problem affecting people in Queensland.

Do You Have A Claim for a Silicosis Dust or Asbestos related injury?

Asbestos is a natural mineral fibre that was used in numerous Australian building products in the 1900s. Silicosis is a type of pulmonary fibrosis, a lung disease caused by breathing in tiny bits of silica, as common mineral found in sand and many types of rock.

Stonemasons and other people associated with the industry are especially susceptible to this disease and there are now cases of this disease.

We are now aware that silica dust and asbestos fibres can get trapped in the lungs and cause scarring and inflammation, which can affect breathing and lead to serious and irreversible health problems, and diseases emerging every day.

You may have a claim for compensation if you have a silica or asbestos-related disease such as mesothelioma, asbestosis or silicosis. Lawsuits can be brought against your employer, or against your landlord if you lived in a building that did not comply with state asbestos regulations.

We're Here To Provide Advice

To find out if you are eligible for a silica compensation claim or an asbestos compensation claim, please contact us either by submitting an online enquiry via the form or by calling us.

Who Can Suffer From Silica Dust or Asbestos Exposure?

Any person who may have come into contact with asbestos or silica dust. This is usually trade-based workers, such as builders, asbestos insulation workers, carpenters, plumbers, electricians, and sheet metal workers may be affected by silicosis and asbestos disease.

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What Types Of Diseases Qualify For

Asbestos Or Silica Compensation?

Asbestos-related diseases may include the following:


Lung cancer


Asbestos-related pleural diseases and pleural plaques.

Other Asbestos or Silica Dust Diseases Include:

Peritoneal mesothelioma (mesothelioma of the lining of the stomach)

Asbestos induced carcinoma


Progressive massive fibrosis; and

Occupational asthma

When Can I Make A Compensation Claim?

Common law compensation claims must commence during the lifetime of the asbestos disease and silicosis sufferer. You may also be eligible for statutory benefits. We can advise you of the best course of action to achieve compensation for you and your family.

How Much Compensation Will I Receive?

All claims are different, and we are unable to tell you how much money you will receive without assessing your situation. If you have substantive evidence to support your claim, you are likely to receive compensation and we can give you an early indication of your likely entitlement. Claimants may receive damages of several millions of dollars depending on the circumstances.


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